Tuesday 15 September 2015

Main Idea of Murderer Man

 1 - Stephen Philip Playford charged with murdering his daughter

 2 - Playford was seen leaving their house

 3 - he was found in the Gold Coast hinterland

 4 - There's no immediate cause of death

Friday 4 September 2015

Main idea of Guilty of Heroin

 1 - Last year on December Stoker had 5 heroin deals with undercover police officer
 2 - The police officer ordered the deal over the phone and Stoker dropped off the drugs in Wooloomoobo,s Frisco hotel.
 3 - 5 years old boy collected $800 which Stoker supplied Heroin balloons.
 4 - The police arrested him on 30 December and Stoker denied his wrongdoing.
 5 - Stoke and boy knew each other but Stoker didn't accept that the boy collected the money instead of him.
 6 - Stoker pleaded guilty on Tuesday in Sydney,s Central local.
 7 - Stoker will convict on August 29.

Main idea of Victoria's TAFEs

 1 - A temporary one year peace agreement between Victoria's TAFE college and Australian Education union changes to 3 years.
 2 - In 12 months of future will applied for pay rise of 12 TAFEs of Victoria.
 3 - The temporary agreement have done for it that AEU support sector_wide  multi_enterprise.
 4-  The decision of making a short term deal was taken for keep faith and provide a platform for long term negotiation Williamson Andrew said.
 5 - Work bans will end for teachers and extend for 3 years.
 6 - Face to face teaching will be replaced with reading and assignment but not for extra time.
 7 - It was inflexible that teachers get 30 minutes of preparation and making time for direct instruction.  

Main idea of Billionaire's dummy spit

 1 - The federation center's board knew Steven Swell's management style for three years and take control of Novion Property and come up its trumps.
 2 - After the abrupt departure of Mr Swell , his finance director and the main executive team left the federation.
 3 - The effective merger was past by Novion shareholders in June at a meeting in Sydney.
 4 - There is an idea that Mr Swell , has run afoul of Mr, Gandel and he had to go.